offers visitors access to the agency’s diverse range of trainings, capacity building, technical assistance, and resources, organized under four capacities areas:
  • Education and training
  • Technical assistance
  • Capacity building, advocacy
  • Health services research and evaluation
Visitors also may connect with the agency’s unique programmatic areas:
  • HealthHIV – Includes access to the agency’s capacity building and technical assistance programs and advocacy initiatives, including online webinar and leadership certificate programs
  • HealthCBA – The National Center for Health Care Capacity Building, which helps visitors become architects of their agency’s future with a wide array of tools, trainings, and resources.
  • Pozitively Healthy – A national advocacy coalition comprised of people living with HIV and their allies
  • National Coalition for LGBT Health – A national coalition dedicated to improving the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals
  • Health HCV – A HealthHIV initiative dedicated to advancing hepatitis C (HCV) advocacy and education
screenshot of healthHIV website