offers authoritative and up-to-date information and news from the National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, other government agencies and health-related organizations about HIV medications, treatment, and care. Geared to consumers, advocates, and other members of the general public, offers consumer-level content that is free of advertising and reviewed for accuracy.
Specifically, MedlinePlus offers:
  • Pre-formulated biomedical journal searches from PubMed. Many available as free full text.
  • Extensive information about medications for consumers
  • An illustrated medical encyclopedia
  • Patient tutorials
  • Health news
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Performing a search through gives consumers content geared specifically for them from National Library of Medicine websites and other affiliated sites. Above are the results displayed after entering “HIV” in the keyword search for MedlinePlus. Note that these results may be further refined by type, such as “Videos and Tutorials” or “News” and by keywords such as “Risk” or “Testing.”